Important Dates:
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Abstract Notification: Friday, April 18, 2025
The Northern California Society for Clinical Gastroenterology (NCSCG) invites the submission of abstracts and case vignettes describing clinical, basic science, and/or psychosocial research in the fields of gastroenterology, gastrointestinal endoscopy and surgery, hepatology, and transplant. Our goal is to promote research among trainees currently interested in gastroenterology and hepatology, stimulate collaboration, and foster the development of ideas for future studies.
Authors may submit one or more abstracts and case vignettes of completed work, work-in-progress, quality improvement research or work presented elsewhere within the past 12 months. There is no limit on the number of submitted abstracts per presenting author and there is no submission fee. Submitted abstracts and case vignettes will be peer-reviewed and presented through poster presentations.
Additionally, authors of top scoring abstracts and case vignettes will be recognized with a certificate of recognition, complementary conference registration, and eligible to receive a Travel Award (as detailed below) and/or monetary award.
Young Investigator Travel Awards
In order to promote and support fellow attendance and participation at the conference, NCSCG will grant a number of Travel Awards, which will include two complimentary nights (Friday, May 16, and Saturday, May 17, 2025) at the conference hotel (Hyatt Regency Monterey Hotel and Spa). Applicants will be chosen based on their abstract(s) quality.
People’s Choice Award
In order to stimulate collaboration and networking, this monetary award allows attendees to vote on which abstract presentation is the most impactful to the gastroenterology and hepatology community.
Who Should Submit?
Postgraduate trainees at all levels – including residents, fellows and advanced fellows are invited to submit abstracts and case vignettes. We also welcome submissions from faculty members and practicing physicians.
Advanced Practice Providers
Registration is for students, residents, fellows and Advanced Practice Providers. Meeting registration is encouraged at the time of submission.
Abstract Preparation/Instructions:
Research abstract structure/organization:
Title: should be concise and clearly reflect content of the abstract (limit to 255 characters, including spaces)
Authors and Affiliations: should include full names and institutional affiliations of each author, with the presenting author name underlined, along with email address of presenting and corresponding author
Body (limit to 2,700 characters, including spaces)
Introduction: a sentence stating the study’s aim(s)/purpose
Methods: a brief description of methods
Results: a summary of the results
Conclusion: a statement of conclusions reached
Figure/Table: maximum of 1 figure or table
Case vignette abstract structure/organization:
Title: should be concise and clearly reflect content of the case (limit to 255 characters, including spaces)
Authors and Affiliations: should include full names and institutional affiliations of each author, with the presenting author name underlined, along with email address of presenting and corresponding author
Body (limit to 2,700 characters, including spaces)
Introduction: explain importance/novelty of case and potential relevancy for others in the field
Case Description/Methods: provide medical history overview, including physical examination and relevant lab or test results, as well as sequence of events, patient progress and outcomes
Discussion: focus on decisions, results, and lessons learned
Figure/Table: maximum of 1 figure or table
Please save/upload as single PDF file per abstract submission. For abstracts that detail human or animal subjects research conducted at a U.S. institution, submitters must indicate whether or not their research has received IRB approval. For case vignettes, submitters must indicate whether patient consent was obtained. Please indicate at the bottom of the abstract whether it has been presented elsewhere and what meeting(s).
Please take note, submitted abstracts not meeting the above specifications will be returned.