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About the NCSCG Webinar Series

The NCSCG Education and Trainee Committee Webinar Series aims to provide an education and career development focused resource for our GI community.  Our series has been developed with gastroenterology and hepatology fellows from training programs in northern California and incorporates sessions specifically focused on important aspects of career development and the job search process.  In addition, our series will also include high yield and hot topics in clinical gastroenterology and hepatology.  We offer these sessions as a free resource to anyone interested in participating. 


Registration Fees

Free of charge.

Registration will include live ZOOM webinar access and one year access to self-paced modules.  Register for once for the entire series!

NCSCG 2025 Webinar Series
Advancing Career Development in
GI & Hepatology Clinical Care

Upcoming Webinars

6:00 PM PDT on Tuesday, April 8, 2025: 

Acute Liver Failure







Nghiem Ha, MD, MAS

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

San Francisco, CA

Photo - Nghiem Ha.jpeg

6:00 PM PDT on Thursday, May 15, 2025: 

Management of Functional GI Disorders










Liat Fine, MD

Kaiser Permanente, Northern California

San Francisco, CA


6:00 PM PDT on Tuesday, June 10, 2025: 

C. diff and FMT







Neil Stollman, MD

East Bay GI

Oakland, CA

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